Tours in English about the murder case are available by appointment. They take place in Bönnigheim, Germany. I charge 40.00€ per tour with a maximum of 50 people. Contact me at ann.marie.ackermann@gmail.com to organize a tour. I also offer tours in German. Depending on availability, it’s possible to book a German tour with a minstrel (Bänkle- or Moritatensänger).
To book, please contact me at info@annmarieackermann.com.
This city tour delivers American history in a true crime package. In a rare German murder case that was solved in America, an assassin gunned down Bönnigheim’s mayor in 1835. He fled to the United States and became the first soldier to die defending Robert E. Lee in battle. Why couldn’t the German investigator solve the case? What was the murderer’s escape route? What did Robert E. Lee have to say about the murderer? And how did someone in Washington, DC solve the case? Author and former American prosecutor Ann Marie Ackermann will guide you through the crime scene and delve into those questions.

Upcoming events/Bevorstehende Veranstaltungen:
Als Bönnigheims Stadtschultheiß 1835 auf dem Heimweg vom Gasthof erschossen wurde, hatte niemand eine Ahnung, dass der Fall Geschichte schreiben würde.
Der Fall brach einige Rekorde: Die forensische Ballistik wurde zum ersten Mal weltweit in diesem Fall benutzt. Die Belohnung wurde erst 2018 in den USA an die Nachkommen des Mannes, der den Fall aufklärte, ausbezahlt.
Was ist passiert? Wie flüchtete der Täter? Welche Fehler machte der Ermittler? Und wie konnte der Fall 37Jahre später in Washington, D.C. aufgeklärt werden?
Die ehemalige US-amerikanische Staatsanwältin Ann Marie Ackermann wird diese Fragen beantworten und erzählen, wie der Täter seine Fingerabdrücke auf der amerikanischen Geschichte hinterließ.
Sonntag, 20. März 2022, Bönnigheim: Tatortführung auf Deutsch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall. Öffentliche Führung. Start: 14 Uhr. Treffpunkt: Schlosshof, Nordseite. Dauer: 1,5 h. Pro Person: 5,- €. KRANKHEITSBEDINGT ABGESAGT!!!!
Crime Scene Tour in English
Sunday, Mai 29th, 2022 “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour combines with a museum tour. In English followed by a book signing. Public Tour. Start: 2.00 p.m. Start: palace (Schloss) courtyard, north side. Duration: 1,5 h. Cost per person: 5,- €.
Anmeldung erforderlich: Ann Marie Ackermann, Tel.: 07143 – 871743, E-Mail: ackerfrau@t-online.de
Führung “Heiße Spuren im Wald”

Geheimnnisse, die Förster und Ermittler im Wald entdecken
Der Wald der Vergangenheit konnte gefährlich sein: Mörder, Wilderer und Tollwut zeichnen die regionale Geschichte. Wir enthüllen einige dunkle Geheimnisse auf einer Wanderung zur Pfeifferhütte und zeigen, wie bunt der Wald wirklich ist. Was würden die alten Bäume uns erzählen, wenn sie sprechen könnten? Wie hat der Stromberg sich in den letzten Jahrunderten verändert? Welche Tiere lebten damals im Wald? Welche Straftaten fanden hier statt? Wieso wurde eine Spur im Bürgermeistermordfall bei der Pfeifferhütte gefunden? zusammen mit Ann Marie Ackermann und Jörg Altmann (NABU) lassen wir uns durch den widerhallenden Klang des Jagdhorns in Bönnhigheims Geschichte hineinlocken.
Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2022 Öffentliche Führung. Start: 14 Uhr. Wanderparkplatz “Näser” hinter dem Michaelsberg. Dauer: 3 h. 4,5 km, Höhenunterschied 70 m. Pro Person 3,– Euro.
Anmeldung erforderlich: Ann Marie Ackermann, Tel.: 07143/871743, E-Mail: ackerfrau@t-online.de
Past Events/Vergangene Veranstaltungen:
October 17, 2021, Bönnigheim, Germany: Tatortführung auf Deutsch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall.
October 16, 2021, Bönnigheim, Germany: Andreas Stenger, Präsident des Landeskriminalamts Baden-Württemberg, spricht in Bönnigheims Burgplatzkeller über den Bürgermeistermord und “Die forensische Ballistik als Ermittlungstechnik: Bönnigheim als Vorreiter”. The Chief of Baden-Württemberg’s State Police speaks about the murder of Bönnigheim’s mayor and the investigator’s role in the history of forensics.

July 25, 2021, 3:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: Führung in die Bürgermeistermord-Ausstellung des Museums am Steinhaus.

November 8, 2020: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour combines with a museum tour. In English followed by a book signing. Tatortführung auf Englisch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall. Mit Museumsbesuch!
October 4, 2020: Tatortführung auf Deutch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall.
September 27, 2020: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Tatortführung auf Deutch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall.
September 20, 2020: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Tatortführung auf Deutch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall.
February 18, 2020: PowerPoint presentation for Besigheim’s historical society. PowerPoint Präsentation für den Geschichtsverein Besigheim.
February 13, 2020: Lecture for the Genealogical Society of North Württemberg. Vortrag für den Verein für Genealogie in Nordwürttemberg.
January 4, 2020. Private crime scene tour. Private Tatortführung. Sie können auch eine private Tatortführung buchen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit der Autorin über diese Webseite auf.
December 7-8, 2019, Weihnachtsmarkt Besigheim, Germany. Book signing at the Beurer Buchhandlung, Kirchstr. 25. Ich signierte Bücher beim Beurer Buchhandlung, Kirchstr. 25
November 30 – December 1, 2019: Weihnachtsmarkt, Bönnigheim, Germany: Book signing at Papermoon, Hauptstr. 58. Ich signierte Bücher beim Papermoon, Hauptstr. 58.
November 22, 2019, Stuttgart, Germany. Vortrag für das Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg/Lecture for the Baden-Württemberg State Police. Private event. 22. November 2020. Private Veranstaltung. Vortrag für die Personalversammlung des Landeskriminalamts.
November 14, 2019, Bönnigheim, Germany. Private Tatortführung/Private Crime Scene Tour. You can book your own private crime scene tour by contacting the author through this website. 14.11.2019. Sie können auch eine private Tatortführung buchen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit der Autorin über diese Webseite auf.
November 10, 2019, Bönnigheim, Germany. Private Tatortführung/Private Crime Scene Tour. You can book your own private crime scene tour by contacting the author through this website. 10.11.2019. Sie können auch eine private Tatortführung buchen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit der Autorin über diese Webseite auf.
November 6, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Güglingen, Germany. A ballistic technician from the Baden-Württemberg State Police and I will talk about how this case moves the birth of forensic ballistics from France to Germany. Weinsteige Güglingen, An der Weinsteige 1. Ein Waffensachverständiger aus dem Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg und ich werden darüber referieren, wie dieser Fall die Geburt der forensischen Ballistik von Frankreich auf Württemberg verlegt. 19.00 Uhr, Weinsteige Güglingen, An der Weinsteige 1.
October 23, 2019, 6:00 p.m., Stuttgart, Germany: “Baden-Württemberg as the birthplace of forensic ballistics.” A Powerpoint presentation in German together with a German crime lab technician. Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg (State Police of Baden-Württemberg), Taubenheimstr. 85, 70372 Stuttgart. Co-sponsored by the German-American Center as part of its American Days program. Open to the public. Baden-Württemberg als Geburtssort der forensischen Ballistik. Eine öffentliche Powerpoint-Präsentation zusammen mit einem Waffensachverständiger des Landeskriminalamts. Taubenheimstr. 85, 70372 Stuttgart. Mitveranstalter: Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum Stuttgart. Öffentliche Veranstaltung.
October 20, 2019, Brackenheim, Germany. I’ll be signing books at Buchhandlung Taube, Henry-Miller-Str. 3. Come by to meet me. Ich signiere Bücher bei der Buchhandlung Taube, Henry-Miller-Str. 3. Kommen Sie vorbei.

October 16, 2019, Munich, Germany. Lecture for the Association of American University and Professional Women, Munich chapter. Private event. Vortrag auf Englisch.
October 13, 2019, 2:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour with a traditional minstrel. In German followed by a book signing. Tatortführung auf Deutch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall. Mit Moritatensänger! Treffpunkt: 14.00 Uhr, Schlosshof, Bönnigheim. Veranstalter: Stadtverwanltung Bönnigheim. Eintritt 5€. Zeitungsbericht here.
October 10, 2019, 7:30 p.m. Ludwigsburg, Germany: Lecture for the Historischen Verein Ludwigsburg. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, Arsenalplatz 3. In German. Vortrag über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall, der Kriminalgeschichte schrieb. 19.30 Uhr, Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, Arsenalplatz 3.
October 1, 2019, Berlin, Germany: Reception in Germany’s Federal Ministry of the Interior for the winners of the regional literature contest of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association. The book launch and play on September 25 and 26 won for Baden-Württemberg.
Empfang im Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat für die Gewinner der Regionalreise des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels. Die Buchpremiere und Schauspiel “Tod eines Mörders” hat für Baden-Württemberg gewonnen.
September 28 & 29, 2019, Heidelberg, Germany: Heidelberger Herbst city festival. I’ll be signing books at Jokers Buchhandlung, Hauptstr. 154. Come by to meet me from 2 p.m. on Saturday or 11 a.m. on Sunday. I’ll be there all day!
Die Autorin beim Heidelberger Herbst Stadtfest kennenlernen. Ich signiere Bücher bei der Jokers Buchhandlung, Hauptstr. 154. Kommen Sie vorbei. Ab 14.oo Uhr am Samstag oder 11.00 Uhr am Sonntag. Ich bin den ganzen Tag da.
September 25 & 26, 2019, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: Launch party, Bönnigheim palace with Bönnigheim’s Mayor Albrecht Dautel. We’ll present scenes from the murder investigation with local actors. Sponsored by Germany’s Federal Ministry of the Interior.
Buchpremiere mit Schauspiel “Tod eines Mörders” im Bönnigheimer Schloss mit Bürgermeister Albrecht Dautel und inszenierten Szenen aus dem Buch, Tod eines Mörders. 19.30 – 21.30 Uhr; Einlass um 19.00 Uhr. Gesponsert vom Bundesministerium für das Innern, für Bau und Heimat; veranstaltet vom Silberburg-Verlag und der Stadt Bönnigheim.
September 18, 2019: Veröffentlichung der deutschen Übersetzung!

Tod eines Mörders. Ein spektakulärer Kriminalfall aus dem 19. Jahrhundert
wurde heute vom Silberburg-Verlag veröffentlicht!
Launch of the German translation with the Silberburg-Verlag publishing house.
September 18, 2019, Heilbronn, Germany: “Tod eines Mörders — Ein Kriminalfall aus Bönnigheim.” Radio Interview mit SWR 4.
July 25, 2019, Bönnigheim, Germany. Private Tatortführung/Private Crime Scene Tour. You can book your own private crime scene tour by contacting the author through this website. Sie können auch eine private Tatortführung buchen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit der Autorin über diese Webseite auf.
June 26, 2019, Eppingen, Germany: Book talk with the Germanna Foundation. Private event.
June 2, 2019: 2:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour in English followed by a book signing. We will start in the palace courtyard. Open to the public. Cost: €5.
April 9, 2019, 6:45 p.m., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA: Book talk with the Tippecanoe Civil War Roundtable. Birck Nanotechnology Building, 1205 W State St., Room 1001. Please enter through the north door; all other doors will be locked. Open to the public.
December 27, 7:30 p.m., Güglingen, Germany. “Ein Mord, eine Reise, und eine neue Weltrekorde.” Powerpoint presentation for the Zabergäuverein’s Christmas and anniversary celebration with a traditional German minstrel (Moritatensänger). Rathaus (City Hall) of Güglingen, Marktstrasse 19-21. Open to the public.

October 19, 5:00 p.m., Stuttgart, Germany. “Baden-Württemberg as the birthplace of forensic ballistics.” A Powerpoint presentation in English together with a German crime lab technician. Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg (State Police of Baden-Württemberg), Taubenheimstr. 85, 70372 Stuttgart. Open to the public.
Sponsored by the American Days festival of the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum/James-F.-Byrnes-Institut e.V. Stuttgart.
October 14, 2018, 2:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour in English followed by a book signing. We will start in the palace courtyard. Open to the public. Cost: €5.
September 23, 2018, 7:00 p.m., Bönnigheim-Hofen, Germany: “Gottesdienst Hautnah”: Pfarrer Burger interviewte mich im Gottesdients über Recht, Gerichtigkeit, und den Rieber-Mord.

July 23, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Ein Mord, eine Reise, und eine neue Weltrekorde.” Mayor Kornelius Bamberger and Ann Marie Ackermann will present a Powerpoint presentation about their recent trip to the USA and the reward for solving a murder that might break a Guinness World Record. Book signing to follow. Bönnigheimer palace, 2nd story, main hall.

June 30, 2018, 12:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: Presentation with Bürgermeister Bamberger to the Bönnigheim historical society and Förderverein “Museum im Steinhaus” about our May book tour and reward presentation in the USA. Museum im Steinhaus.
June 29, 2018, 7:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: Presentation with Bürgermeister Bamberger to the Bönnigheim city council about our May book tour and reward presentation in the USA. City hall (Rathaus).
June 26, 2018, Eppingen, Germany: Book talk with the Germanna Foundation tour group. Private event.
May 29, 2018, New York City. Independent Publisher Book Award ceremony, in which Death of an Assassin received a bronze medal for true crime.

May 24, 11:00 a.m., Beach Haven, New Jersey: “World-record breaking murder case.” PowerPoint presentation and book signing at the Beach Haven Library. 247 N. Beach Avenue, Beach Haven NJ 08008. (609) 492-7081. Open to the public.
23, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Galloway, New Jersey: “German birds and how they led me to a murder.” PowerPoint presentation with the Atlantic Audubon Society. Galloway Library, 306 East Jimmie Leeds Road. Social hour at 6:30 with the meeting starting at 7:30.
May 22, 2018, 1:00 p.m., Surf City, New Jersey: Book Talk with the Adult Writers’ Group. Long Beach Island Branch of the Ocean County Library, Community Room. 217 S. Central Ave., Surf City, NJ 08008. (609) 494-2480. Open to the public.
May 20, 2018, Orange County, Virginia: Private reception for Mayor Bamberger and me with the Germanna Foundation.
May 20, 2018, 11:30 p.m., Madison, Virginia: Reception for Mayor Bamberger and me and brief book talk at the Hebron Lutheran Church. Open to church attendees.
May 19, 2018, Gaithersburg, Maryland: Bönnigheim’s current mayor, Kornelius Bamberger, and I presented the long-unpaid reward for solving this case posthumously to the man’s descendants at the Gaithersburg Book Festival. To the best of my knowledge, this broke a record for the oldest reward for solving a murder ever paid out. It should have been paid 146 years ago and wasn’t because of some misfiled papers. Tune in to C-SPAN Book to watch the event coverage!

April 15, 2018, 2:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour in German followed by a book signing. Tatortführung auf Deutch mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Rieber-Mord. Treffpunkt: Schlosshof, Bönnigheim. German press coverage here.
March 25, 2018, 1:00 p.m., Bietigheim, Germany: Book signing at the Bietigheimer Bücherstube, Hauptstrasse 23 in conjunction with the Brunnenfest.

November 5, 2017, 3:00 p.m., Petersburg, Virginia: Book chat and signing, National Museum Of The Civil War Soldier, 6125 Boydton Plank Road.
November 4, 2017, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Stratford Hall, Virginia: Book signing in the gift shop.
November 3, 2017, 12 p.m., Richmond, Virginia: Book chat and signing, American Civil War Museum, 1201 E. Clay Street.
October 26, 2017, 6:30 p.m., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Workshop and discussion based on my book at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street. We’ll be looking at primary sources to sift out the riddle of the identity of the object of Robert E. Lee’s admiration in a letter he wrote following the Siege of Veracruz. Cost: $10.00.
October 25, 2017, 4:00 p.m., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lecture for the Temple University German Department and Temple University German Society. 821 Anderson Hall, 1114 W. Berks St.
October 24, 2017, 6:30 p.m., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Powerpoint presentation at the German Society of Pennsylvania, 611 Spring Garden St.

October 19, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Chicago, Illinois: Book chat and signing
Location: DANK Haus, German American Cultural Center, 4740 North Western Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
October 14, 2017, 3 p.m., Wauwatosa, Wisconsin: Book chat and signing hosted by Goethe House Wisconsin, Wauwatosa Public Library, 7635 West North Ave.
October 12, 2017, 12 p.m., Kenosha, Wisconsin: Book chat and signing, The Civil War Museum, 5400 First Avenue.
October 10, 2017, 3:00 p.m., Appleton, Wisconsin: Powerpoint presentation, Appleton Public Library, 225 N. Oneida St. Fox Cities Book Festival.
October 8, 2017, 2:30 p.m., Lafayette, Indiana: Book reading at Follett’s Bookstore on the Purdue University campus, 1400 W State St.
October 3, 2017, Memphis, Tennessee: Rotary Club Memphis East. Powerpoint presentation.
October 3, 2017, 6:00 p.m., Bartlett, Tennessee: Book chat with United Daughters of the Confederacy, Gayoso 2423 chapter, Grace Presbyterian Church, 6671 Yale Rd Bartlett, TN.
September 24, 2017, 2:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour in German followed by a book signing. In accompaniment of a German minstrel (Bänklesänger), this tour will offer behind-the-scenes information about the murder. We’ll listen to the witnesses in their own words, trace the murderer’s escape route through the alleys of Bönnigheim, and learn how the case could be solved 37 years later in Washington, D.C. Cost: €5 per person. Starting place: Kavaliersbau courtyard, next to Bönnigheim’s palace, Hauptstrasse 15.
September 23, 2017, 7:00 p.m., Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany: “Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” A book reading/powerpoint presentation in English, with food and drink. We’ll serve you some Trollinger, Sylvaner, and Elbling, the three wine varieties Bönnigheim grew in 1835, the year of the murder. Cost: €5 per person. Bietigheimer Bücherstube, Hauptstrasse 23; Tel. (07142) 44445.

September 18, 2017, Bönnigheim, Germany: Crime scene tour for Family Tree Tours (private).
September 17, 2017, 2:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour in English followed by a book signing. The tour will offer behind-the-scenes information about the murder. We’ll listen to the witnesses in their own words, trace the murderer’s escape route through the alleys of Bönnigheim, and learn how the case could be solved 37 years later in Washington, D.C. Cost: €5 per person. Starting place: Kavaliersbau courtyard, next to Bönnigheim’s palace, Hauptstrasse 15.
September 1, 2017: Book launch!
June 21, 2107: Germanna Foundation tour in Bönnigheim, Germany (private).
July 15, 2017, Culpeper, Virginia: “The Germanna Murder Mystery.” Powerpoint presentation at the 300th anniversary reunion of the Germanna Foundation in Culpeper, Virginia.
June 2017: Television interview. I appeared in the King Ludwig II of Bavaria episode of the new UKTV series on Royal Murder Mysteries, exact date to be announced. With luck, this series will also air on the Discovery Channel in the USA. Danny O’Brien interviewed me for four hours at the exact spot where King Ludwig died. We went through the evidence and walked the king’s last walk. I even donned my rubber boots and waded through the water where the king entered the lake to make a point about footprints.

March 4, 2017: German crime scene tour tour with a minstrel (private).
October 31, 2016: Crime Scene Tour in English for the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zenturum (German-American Center) in Stuttgart. “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.”
October 23, 2016: 2:00 pm: Crime Scene Tour in German. “Tatort Bönnigheim: Mord an Bönnigheims Bürgermeiser.” Stadtführung auf Deutch mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Rieber-Mord.
October 21, 2016: Crime Scene Tour in English for the Schiller International University in Heidelberg.
October 6, 2016: Interview with House of Mystery Radio Show. “Death of an Assassin — Ann Marie Ackermann — True Crime German.”
April 24, 2016, 2:00 pm: Crime Scene Tour in English sponsored by the City of Bönnigheim.” Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.”
April 20, 2016: Lecture in German at the Württemberg state archives for the Ludwigsburg murder mystery festival. “Tatort Bönnigheim: Württembergs spektakulärster Mordfall und seine Verbindung zur amerikanischen Geschichte”. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, Arsenalplatz 3. Ann Marie Ackermann stellt anhand der Strafakten aus dem Staatsarchiv einen Kriminalfall aus dem Jahr 1835 vor.
October 7, 2015. Lecture for the Zabergäuverein (in German) on Bönnigheim’s most spectacular murder case and its connection to American history. Vortrag für den Zabergäuverein über Bönnigheims spektakulärsteren Mordfall und seine Verbindung zur amerikanischen Geschichte. Gasthaus Ochsen, Brackenheimer Str. 51, Güglingen-Frauenzimmern. [Vortrag auf Deutsch]
September 27, 2015. Guided tour of Bönnigheim with a focus on the Rieber murder and its connection to American history (in German). Stadtführung auf Deutch mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Rieber-Mord. Treffpunkt: Ganerbenbrunnen auf dem Marktplatz, Bönnigheim. German press coverage here.
June 11, 2015. Radio interview in German about the murder case and how I discovered it. Klinikenradio Bietigheim-Ludwigsburg e.V. Interview with radio host Jörg Palitzsch (in German). Available online at: Staatsanwältin und Autorin im Kliniken-Radio: Interview mit Ann-Marie Ackermann

March 18, 2015. Lecture for Bönnigheim’s Historical Society on “Bönnigheim’s most spectacular murder case and its connection to American history.” Vortrag für die Historische Gesellschaft Bönnigheim über “önnigheims spektakulärsten Mordfall und seine Verbindung zur amerikanischen Geschichte. Schwäbisches Schnapsmuseum, Mitgliederversammlung am 18.3. 2015
Past Events/Vergangene Veranstaltungen:
October 17, 2021, Bönnigheim, Germany: Tatortführung auf Deutsch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall.
October 16, 2021, Bönnigheim, Germany: Andreas Stenger, Präsident des Landeskriminalamts Baden-Württemberg, spricht in Bönnigheims Burgplatzkeller über den Bürgermeistermord und “Die forensische Ballistik als Ermittlungstechnik: Bönnigheim als Vorreiter”. The Chief of Baden-Württemberg’s State Police speaks about the murder of Bönnigheim’s mayor and the investigator’s role in the history of forensics.

July 25, 2021, 3:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: Führung in die Bürgermeistermord-Ausstellung des Museums am Steinhaus.

November 8, 2020: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour combines with a museum tour. In English followed by a book signing. Tatortführung auf Englisch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall. Mit Museumsbesuch!
October 4, 2020: Tatortführung auf Deutch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall.
September 27, 2020: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Tatortführung auf Deutch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall.
September 20, 2020: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Tatortführung auf Deutch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall.
February 18, 2020: PowerPoint presentation for Besigheim’s historical society. PowerPoint Präsentation für den Geschichtsverein Besigheim.
February 13, 2020: Lecture for the Genealogical Society of North Württemberg. Vortrag für den Verein für Genealogie in Nordwürttemberg.
January 4, 2020. Private crime scene tour. Private Tatortführung. Sie können auch eine private Tatortführung buchen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit der Autorin über diese Webseite auf.
December 7-8, 2019, Weihnachtsmarkt Besigheim, Germany. Book signing at the Beurer Buchhandlung, Kirchstr. 25. Ich signierte Bücher beim Beurer Buchhandlung, Kirchstr. 25
November 30 – December 1, 2019: Weihnachtsmarkt, Bönnigheim, Germany: Book signing at Papermoon, Hauptstr. 58. Ich signierte Bücher beim Papermoon, Hauptstr. 58.
November 22, 2019, Stuttgart, Germany. Vortrag für das Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg/Lecture for the Baden-Württemberg State Police. Private event. 22. November 2020. Private Veranstaltung. Vortrag für die Personalversammlung des Landeskriminalamts.
November 14, 2019, Bönnigheim, Germany. Private Tatortführung/Private Crime Scene Tour. You can book your own private crime scene tour by contacting the author through this website. 14.11.2019. Sie können auch eine private Tatortführung buchen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit der Autorin über diese Webseite auf.
November 10, 2019, Bönnigheim, Germany. Private Tatortführung/Private Crime Scene Tour. You can book your own private crime scene tour by contacting the author through this website. 10.11.2019. Sie können auch eine private Tatortführung buchen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit der Autorin über diese Webseite auf.
November 6, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Güglingen, Germany. A ballistic technician from the Baden-Württemberg State Police and I will talk about how this case moves the birth of forensic ballistics from France to Germany. Weinsteige Güglingen, An der Weinsteige 1. Ein Waffensachverständiger aus dem Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg und ich werden darüber referieren, wie dieser Fall die Geburt der forensischen Ballistik von Frankreich auf Württemberg verlegt. 19.00 Uhr, Weinsteige Güglingen, An der Weinsteige 1.
October 23, 2019, 6:00 p.m., Stuttgart, Germany: “Baden-Württemberg as the birthplace of forensic ballistics.” A Powerpoint presentation in German together with a German crime lab technician. Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg (State Police of Baden-Württemberg), Taubenheimstr. 85, 70372 Stuttgart. Co-sponsored by the German-American Center as part of its American Days program. Open to the public. Baden-Württemberg als Geburtssort der forensischen Ballistik. Eine öffentliche Powerpoint-Präsentation zusammen mit einem Waffensachverständiger des Landeskriminalamts. Taubenheimstr. 85, 70372 Stuttgart. Mitveranstalter: Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum Stuttgart. Öffentliche Veranstaltung.
October 20, 2019, Brackenheim, Germany. I’ll be signing books at Buchhandlung Taube, Henry-Miller-Str. 3. Come by to meet me. Ich signiere Bücher bei der Buchhandlung Taube, Henry-Miller-Str. 3. Kommen Sie vorbei.

October 16, 2019, Munich, Germany. Lecture for the Association of American University and Professional Women, Munich chapter. Private event. Vortrag auf Englisch.
October 13, 2019, 2:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour with a traditional minstrel. In German followed by a book signing. Tatortführung auf Deutch über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall. Mit Moritatensänger! Treffpunkt: 14.00 Uhr, Schlosshof, Bönnigheim. Veranstalter: Stadtverwanltung Bönnigheim. Eintritt 5€. Zeitungsbericht here.
October 10, 2019, 7:30 p.m. Ludwigsburg, Germany: Lecture for the Historischen Verein Ludwigsburg. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, Arsenalplatz 3. In German. Vortrag über Württembergs spektakulären Mordfall, der Kriminalgeschichte schrieb. 19.30 Uhr, Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, Arsenalplatz 3.
October 1, 2019, Berlin, Germany: Reception in Germany’s Federal Ministry of the Interior for the winners of the regional literature contest of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association. The book launch and play on September 25 and 26 won for Baden-Württemberg.
Empfang im Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat für die Gewinner der Regionalreise des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels. Die Buchpremiere und Schauspiel “Tod eines Mörders” hat für Baden-Württemberg gewonnen.
September 28 & 29, 2019, Heidelberg, Germany: Heidelberger Herbst city festival. I’ll be signing books at Jokers Buchhandlung, Hauptstr. 154. Come by to meet me from 2 p.m. on Saturday or 11 a.m. on Sunday. I’ll be there all day!
Die Autorin beim Heidelberger Herbst Stadtfest kennenlernen. Ich signiere Bücher bei der Jokers Buchhandlung, Hauptstr. 154. Kommen Sie vorbei. Ab 14.oo Uhr am Samstag oder 11.00 Uhr am Sonntag. Ich bin den ganzen Tag da.
September 25 & 26, 2019, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: Launch party, Bönnigheim palace with Bönnigheim’s Mayor Albrecht Dautel. We’ll present scenes from the murder investigation with local actors. Sponsored by Germany’s Federal Ministry of the Interior.
Buchpremiere mit Schauspiel “Tod eines Mörders” im Bönnigheimer Schloss mit Bürgermeister Albrecht Dautel und inszenierten Szenen aus dem Buch, Tod eines Mörders. 19.30 – 21.30 Uhr; Einlass um 19.00 Uhr. Gesponsert vom Bundesministerium für das Innern, für Bau und Heimat; veranstaltet vom Silberburg-Verlag und der Stadt Bönnigheim.
September 18, 2019: Veröffentlichung der deutschen Übersetzung!

Tod eines Mörders. Ein spektakulärer Kriminalfall aus dem 19. Jahrhundert
wurde heute vom Silberburg-Verlag veröffentlicht!
Launch of the German translation with the Silberburg-Verlag publishing house.
September 18, 2019, Heilbronn, Germany: “Tod eines Mörders — Ein Kriminalfall aus Bönnigheim.” Radio Interview mit SWR 4.
July 25, 2019, Bönnigheim, Germany. Private Tatortführung/Private Crime Scene Tour. You can book your own private crime scene tour by contacting the author through this website. Sie können auch eine private Tatortführung buchen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit der Autorin über diese Webseite auf.
June 26, 2019, Eppingen, Germany: Book talk with the Germanna Foundation. Private event.
June 2, 2019: 2:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour in English followed by a book signing. We will start in the palace courtyard. Open to the public. Cost: €5.
April 9, 2019, 6:45 p.m., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA: Book talk with the Tippecanoe Civil War Roundtable. Birck Nanotechnology Building, 1205 W State St., Room 1001. Please enter through the north door; all other doors will be locked. Open to the public.
December 27, 7:30 p.m., Güglingen, Germany. “Ein Mord, eine Reise, und eine neue Weltrekorde.” Powerpoint presentation for the Zabergäuverein’s Christmas and anniversary celebration with a traditional German minstrel (Moritatensänger). Rathaus (City Hall) of Güglingen, Marktstrasse 19-21. Open to the public.

October 19, 5:00 p.m., Stuttgart, Germany. “Baden-Württemberg as the birthplace of forensic ballistics.” A Powerpoint presentation in English together with a German crime lab technician. Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg (State Police of Baden-Württemberg), Taubenheimstr. 85, 70372 Stuttgart. Open to the public.
Sponsored by the American Days festival of the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum/James-F.-Byrnes-Institut e.V. Stuttgart.
October 14, 2018, 2:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour in English followed by a book signing. We will start in the palace courtyard. Open to the public. Cost: €5.
September 23, 2018, 7:00 p.m., Bönnigheim-Hofen, Germany: “Gottesdienst Hautnah”: Pfarrer Burger interviewte mich im Gottesdients über Recht, Gerichtigkeit, und den Rieber-Mord.

July 23, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Ein Mord, eine Reise, und eine neue Weltrekorde.” Mayor Kornelius Bamberger and Ann Marie Ackermann will present a Powerpoint presentation about their recent trip to the USA and the reward for solving a murder that might break a Guinness World Record. Book signing to follow. Bönnigheimer palace, 2nd story, main hall.

June 30, 2018, 12:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: Presentation with Bürgermeister Bamberger to the Bönnigheim historical society and Förderverein “Museum im Steinhaus” about our May book tour and reward presentation in the USA. Museum im Steinhaus.
June 29, 2018, 7:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: Presentation with Bürgermeister Bamberger to the Bönnigheim city council about our May book tour and reward presentation in the USA. City hall (Rathaus).
June 26, 2018, Eppingen, Germany: Book talk with the Germanna Foundation tour group. Private event.
May 29, 2018, New York City. Independent Publisher Book Award ceremony, in which Death of an Assassin received a bronze medal for true crime.

May 24, 11:00 a.m., Beach Haven, New Jersey: “World-record breaking murder case.” PowerPoint presentation and book signing at the Beach Haven Library. 247 N. Beach Avenue, Beach Haven NJ 08008. (609) 492-7081. Open to the public.
23, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Galloway, New Jersey: “German birds and how they led me to a murder.” PowerPoint presentation with the Atlantic Audubon Society. Galloway Library, 306 East Jimmie Leeds Road. Social hour at 6:30 with the meeting starting at 7:30.
May 22, 2018, 1:00 p.m., Surf City, New Jersey: Book Talk with the Adult Writers’ Group. Long Beach Island Branch of the Ocean County Library, Community Room. 217 S. Central Ave., Surf City, NJ 08008. (609) 494-2480. Open to the public.
May 20, 2018, Orange County, Virginia: Private reception for Mayor Bamberger and me with the Germanna Foundation.
May 20, 2018, 11:30 p.m., Madison, Virginia: Reception for Mayor Bamberger and me and brief book talk at the Hebron Lutheran Church. Open to church attendees.
May 19, 2018, Gaithersburg, Maryland: Bönnigheim’s current mayor, Kornelius Bamberger, and I presented the long-unpaid reward for solving this case posthumously to the man’s descendants at the Gaithersburg Book Festival. To the best of my knowledge, this broke a record for the oldest reward for solving a murder ever paid out. It should have been paid 146 years ago and wasn’t because of some misfiled papers. Tune in to C-SPAN Book to watch the event coverage!

April 15, 2018, 2:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour in German followed by a book signing. Tatortführung auf Deutch mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Rieber-Mord. Treffpunkt: Schlosshof, Bönnigheim. German press coverage here.
March 25, 2018, 1:00 p.m., Bietigheim, Germany: Book signing at the Bietigheimer Bücherstube, Hauptstrasse 23 in conjunction with the Brunnenfest.

November 5, 2017, 3:00 p.m., Petersburg, Virginia: Book chat and signing, National Museum Of The Civil War Soldier, 6125 Boydton Plank Road.
November 4, 2017, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Stratford Hall, Virginia: Book signing in the gift shop.
November 3, 2017, 12 p.m., Richmond, Virginia: Book chat and signing, American Civil War Museum, 1201 E. Clay Street.
October 26, 2017, 6:30 p.m., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Workshop and discussion based on my book at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street. We’ll be looking at primary sources to sift out the riddle of the identity of the object of Robert E. Lee’s admiration in a letter he wrote following the Siege of Veracruz. Cost: $10.00.
October 25, 2017, 4:00 p.m., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lecture for the Temple University German Department and Temple University German Society. 821 Anderson Hall, 1114 W. Berks St.
October 24, 2017, 6:30 p.m., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Powerpoint presentation at the German Society of Pennsylvania, 611 Spring Garden St.

October 19, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Chicago, Illinois: Book chat and signing
Location: DANK Haus, German American Cultural Center, 4740 North Western Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
October 14, 2017, 3 p.m., Wauwatosa, Wisconsin: Book chat and signing hosted by Goethe House Wisconsin, Wauwatosa Public Library, 7635 West North Ave.
October 12, 2017, 12 p.m., Kenosha, Wisconsin: Book chat and signing, The Civil War Museum, 5400 First Avenue.
October 10, 2017, 3:00 p.m., Appleton, Wisconsin: Powerpoint presentation, Appleton Public Library, 225 N. Oneida St. Fox Cities Book Festival.
October 8, 2017, 2:30 p.m., Lafayette, Indiana: Book reading at Follett’s Bookstore on the Purdue University campus, 1400 W State St.
October 3, 2017, Memphis, Tennessee: Rotary Club Memphis East. Powerpoint presentation.
October 3, 2017, 6:00 p.m., Bartlett, Tennessee: Book chat with United Daughters of the Confederacy, Gayoso 2423 chapter, Grace Presbyterian Church, 6671 Yale Rd Bartlett, TN.
September 24, 2017, 2:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour in German followed by a book signing. In accompaniment of a German minstrel (Bänklesänger), this tour will offer behind-the-scenes information about the murder. We’ll listen to the witnesses in their own words, trace the murderer’s escape route through the alleys of Bönnigheim, and learn how the case could be solved 37 years later in Washington, D.C. Cost: €5 per person. Starting place: Kavaliersbau courtyard, next to Bönnigheim’s palace, Hauptstrasse 15.
September 23, 2017, 7:00 p.m., Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany: “Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” A book reading/powerpoint presentation in English, with food and drink. We’ll serve you some Trollinger, Sylvaner, and Elbling, the three wine varieties Bönnigheim grew in 1835, the year of the murder. Cost: €5 per person. Bietigheimer Bücherstube, Hauptstrasse 23; Tel. (07142) 44445.

September 18, 2017, Bönnigheim, Germany: Crime scene tour for Family Tree Tours (private).
September 17, 2017, 2:00 p.m., Bönnigheim, Germany: “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.” Crime Scene Tour in English followed by a book signing. The tour will offer behind-the-scenes information about the murder. We’ll listen to the witnesses in their own words, trace the murderer’s escape route through the alleys of Bönnigheim, and learn how the case could be solved 37 years later in Washington, D.C. Cost: €5 per person. Starting place: Kavaliersbau courtyard, next to Bönnigheim’s palace, Hauptstrasse 15.
September 1, 2017: Book launch!
June 21, 2107: Germanna Foundation tour in Bönnigheim, Germany (private).
July 15, 2017, Culpeper, Virginia: “The Germanna Murder Mystery.” Powerpoint presentation at the 300th anniversary reunion of the Germanna Foundation in Culpeper, Virginia.
June 2017: Television interview. I appeared in the King Ludwig II of Bavaria episode of the new UKTV series on Royal Murder Mysteries, exact date to be announced. With luck, this series will also air on the Discovery Channel in the USA. Danny O’Brien interviewed me for four hours at the exact spot where King Ludwig died. We went through the evidence and walked the king’s last walk. I even donned my rubber boots and waded through the water where the king entered the lake to make a point about footprints.

March 4, 2017: German crime scene tour tour with a minstrel (private).
October 31, 2016: Crime Scene Tour in English for the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zenturum (German-American Center) in Stuttgart. “Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.”
October 23, 2016: 2:00 pm: Crime Scene Tour in German. “Tatort Bönnigheim: Mord an Bönnigheims Bürgermeiser.” Stadtführung auf Deutch mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Rieber-Mord.
October 21, 2016: Crime Scene Tour in English for the Schiller International University in Heidelberg.
October 6, 2016: Interview with House of Mystery Radio Show. “Death of an Assassin — Ann Marie Ackermann — True Crime German.”
April 24, 2016, 2:00 pm: Crime Scene Tour in English sponsored by the City of Bönnigheim.” Crime Scene Bönnigheim: Württemberg’s Most Spectacular Historical Murder and its Connection to US History.”
April 20, 2016: Lecture in German at the Württemberg state archives for the Ludwigsburg murder mystery festival. “Tatort Bönnigheim: Württembergs spektakulärster Mordfall und seine Verbindung zur amerikanischen Geschichte”. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, Arsenalplatz 3. Ann Marie Ackermann stellt anhand der Strafakten aus dem Staatsarchiv einen Kriminalfall aus dem Jahr 1835 vor.
October 7, 2015. Lecture for the Zabergäuverein (in German) on Bönnigheim’s most spectacular murder case and its connection to American history. Vortrag für den Zabergäuverein über Bönnigheims spektakulärsteren Mordfall und seine Verbindung zur amerikanischen Geschichte. Gasthaus Ochsen, Brackenheimer Str. 51, Güglingen-Frauenzimmern. [Vortrag auf Deutsch]
September 27, 2015. Guided tour of Bönnigheim with a focus on the Rieber murder and its connection to American history (in German). Stadtführung auf Deutch mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Rieber-Mord. Treffpunkt: Ganerbenbrunnen auf dem Marktplatz, Bönnigheim. German press coverage here.
June 11, 2015. Radio interview in German about the murder case and how I discovered it. Klinikenradio Bietigheim-Ludwigsburg e.V. Interview with radio host Jörg Palitzsch (in German). Available online at: Staatsanwältin und Autorin im Kliniken-Radio: Interview mit Ann-Marie Ackermann

March 18, 2015. Lecture for Bönnigheim’s Historical Society on “Bönnigheim’s most spectacular murder case and its connection to American history.” Vortrag für die Historische Gesellschaft Bönnigheim über “Bönnigheims spektakulärsten Mordfall und seine Verbindung zur amerikanischen Geschichte. Schwäbisches Schnapsmuseum, Mitgliederversammlung am 18.3. 2015
Info mailed today… Read tons of bacground on ref. and local sources… Let me know what you find … Text Jackie to tell me.sign me up for tour. Danke… Love all of web site… So does Frank… I value his taste.
Thanks, Bonnie. I have discovered some interesting information since we last talked, but I am going to leave you in suspense for awhile.
If you want to come out here to Germany for the tour, Bonnie, I’d love it! Don’t book with Jackie; please book it with me. 🙂